UnScripted: Authentic Leadership Podcast

Leaving A Lasting Legacy! Feat. Special Guest Dr. Peter Lane & John Lebrun Jr. #Podcast #Legacy #UnscriptedLeadership

John Lebrun & La'Fayette Lane Season 3 Episode 41

🗣In this episode, John and La'Fayette are joined by two special guest,  their fathers, Dr. Peter Lane and John Lebrun Jr. They have a discussion about leaving a lasting legacy! Dr. Peter Lane (Chaplain & Minister),  John Lebrun Jr. ( Business Entrepreneur & Veteran) open up about the challenges of fatherhood, building a foundation and legacy for your family, and the importance of pivoting through life's challenges. Hit that PLAY and SHARE button to hear more of this amazing conversation between two son's and their fathers!

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Welcome to the Unscripted Authentic Leadership podcast. A podcast where we are eeking to lead change while also seeking to understand. We are also here to provide a platform for leaders to come together to unite, to develop and empower other leaders in the areas of business, family, faith and community. I am your host Lafayette Lane joined by my co-host, John, LeBron and today we are joined by two special guests, Doctor Peter Lane and John LeBron Jr. Those of you who will watch this and listen to this put those hands together, clap. For our special guests over, he would never really put those clap emojis in the comments section. Those of you that are wondering what is going on. These are real dad's we have our fathers on today and John. His money is right. At the opposite right then, and we are excited to have them more knowing that Father's Day is right around the corner, we wanted to bring them on just to try to get some insight from them. And you all have in our audience are unscripted. Family can get some. Inside from you know where we come from and so we're excited about the conversation before we get into the conversation. We definitely want to say thank you to all of our supporters there on our YouTube channel. There you see at the bottom of your ticker screen they have subscribed to unscripted Authentic Leadership podcast. You can also follow us on our various social media platforms there on our Facebook page, unscripted offensive leadership or Instagram handle is African scripted leadership. LinkedIn unscripted authentic leadership, those that are not. Part of our watching audience, but you're part of our listening audience. You can listen to our podcast on any podcast platform streaming from Apple to Spotify to Google Podcast. My heart radio, stitcher, Pandora, and so far pretty much where any pop podcasts are offered. You can stream and listen to our podcasts. You can also connect, can connect and engage with us on our website, unscripted-leadership.com and on our website only. Can you connect with us but you can purchase our new merch that we have there available on our website. By signing up to our unscripted club email group and if you do that, you can receive a 10% off merch promo code lead 10 that's available there. Unscripted dash leadership.com as I said today we are joined by two special guests. My father, doctor Peter Lang and John LeBron junior, John's dad and we're excited to have them. Doctor Peter Lane is a chaplain at Brookdale Hospice. He is also a minister elder at the Apostolic House of Prayer there in Huber Heights. Ohio we are here. Also joined by John LeBron junior who has been married for 39 years. Father of two young men. He's also the co-founder of principle of LeBron Management Solutions which is a veteran owned business focusing on cybersecurity compliance, training, development for businesses and defense contract ING. Now we've heard a little bit about them, but I want them to kind of give themselves a little bit more of an introduction in Tulsa. Doctor Peter Lane then. Mr LeBron you can follow right behind him. Just giving us a little bit more about yourselves. Doctor lane. Well, it's a pleasure being here with two distinguished young men that I find that knowing my son who doesn't talk that much. Simoniz platform brings out something different in me. I know when he was younger he didn't say too much at all. But again, my name is Peter Lane. I'm the Brookdale Hospice chaplain and I enjoy what I'm doing. I retired from the Corners Office after 20 years of doing autopsies there and for the last five years I've been a Brookdale Hospice chaplain, serving in the capacity of giving people their spiritual needs at the end in death as well as their families. So that's just a little bit about me at this time. Also missing LeBron. Yeah, well, thanks really. Thanks for inviting me. I never expected this and you know, I I really have to say I pale in comparison to some of the guests you've had on recently, so I hope I'm hoping just, you know, not ruin things for you guys as we go through this hour. So anyways, my background, my wife and I started abroad. Management solutions would refer to it more as LMS. Slower seven years ago, of course, John my son was the first full time person I brought on, and we've been partnered together as we've been trying to figure the, you know, the business rollout for the last four point 4 1/2 years now and so. For us, for me it's really been exciting to have. Not only one, but both my sons their daily with by our side. You know trying to figure out something, figure this out and hopefully leave a legacy for them to continue on as I kind of write off into the sunset. So yeah, that's that's so good.'cause you mentioned there at the end about that word legacy and I kind of want to touch on that because we have legacy represented on the screen today. And that's a part of the reason why we wanted to bring you all on because it's important as leaders that we do leave a legacy. But in order to do that, especially in the times that we're living in as leaders, we had to what we call a lot. Here on the podcast, we had to pivot. In order to keep that legacy going, we had to shift what I mean by pivot is that we know what the whole pandemic situation and even before the pandemic life happens. He was all, and so as whether you're a Co leader and you had to switch to a virtual setting or you had to work, have remote employees or whatever that context it looks like for you whatever context that is of leadership that you serve in weather that be Father Hood coaching CEO chaplaincy owning a business as an entrepreneur we've all had to make. Pivots in our lives to keep the legacy going, and so I want to start with my dad. You've made a lot of pivots in your life. Coming from where you've come from. From the South to where you are now with a doctorate degree in multiple degrees and doing really well for yourself and leaving a legacy for your three sons and your daughter. Tana take us back to Hopkins Ville, Kentucky Doctor Lane and tell us your back story and how you had to pivot. You know, from. From Kentucky to Ohio. From Mortuary school to the chaplaincy. Just take us on that journey. Tell us about your background and tell us how important it is to make that pivot in the role and leadership that had played in your life. Alright, yeah I'm from Hawkinsville Kentucky. You know graduated high school in 1984, but before that you know I worked in tobacco fields about hey did all the farm work but I made my mind that there was something better that I believe God had for me not knowing what my future is going to be in all the transition that had to make. So when I graduated in 1984 I moved from Hopkinsville Ky to Xenia. OH and there I started school. Not knowing really what I wanted to do, I wanted to be a cop, but I was too hot headed to be a police officer. I wanted to teach school but I didn't like kids that much so. You know, so anyway. Long story short. School in Indiana and getting a bachelors degree in Mortuary science. And that led me to the Corners Office to do autopsies in the forensic field for 20 plus years. I end up having an incident with my shoulder blew my shoulder out and had three operations so I didn't have to do a medical retirement. But during that process I was going to theology school on Monday nights I was going to chaplaincy school on Saturdays. I was going to. Tabernacle Bible college not knowing that. Five years later, I was going to be where I was at today. So how to transition from a job that I love to do each and every day really wasn't a job. It was serving people who had went through tragedies and I had to find out the reason why they died and not only that had to do with their families all at the same time. So when I left the corners office. Transitioning to become a Hospice chaplain, which there's a story behind that too. I had two interviews at the same day, one in Cincinnati. I knew the gentleman there who was a supervisor, and I said I had a job and my wife said, what about your other interview at Brookdale? So I'm not going already have a job. And I only wanted a part time job PRN. So Long story short, I wanted to interview. Talk to the guy that's like man, when is this gonna be over to myself? So Long story short. Here it is five years later, Brookdale hired me. Cincinnati John never called me. So, five years later, I'm sitting here being a Hospice chaplain and loving every bit of it because then I'm back in serving people again. I had to make that transition in doing that transition had two major back surgeries, but I was working from home. I actually drove to Cleveland and covered the chaplain of their only Walker, but I enjoy what I did so much it gave me great joy helping other people. So the back problem really wasn't a major issue at the end of the day, at the end of the day, I was thankful and grateful that I could serve someone else who situation was greater than mine and the lead up to the become a chaplain. It took six years. I was only going for three classes at my church. You had to go through these classes in order to preach, and six years later I end up getting a doctor degree on top of degree already had in Mortuary science, so I didn't know that all this laid out for me and where I was going to end up to this day and so during that period of time. These other things that transpired. But I had to make transitions and adapt to the situations in the transitions that I was put into unbenounced to me. So that's my story. At this time. Miss, that's incredible, and I think that's good. What you mentioned about the whole servant leadership, the servants mentality and leading by serving, not what you can get out of it per say. From a selfish aspect, but putting the people first that you leave, I think that's great. Mr LeBron, I want you to talk to us from an entrepreneurial perspective about pivoting the shift that you had to make, and even you can give us your back story. I know that you are. Ex military you can shed some light on that, but I wanted to want to hear how you pivoted the business during the pandemic. What were some things that you did to keep it going and keep it progressing and not allow that the panda but to be a set back from you? OK so yeah, my back story is grew up in the farm country, Minnesota. Dirt during a an economic let down back in 1980 and not being able to find work. The construction industry decided to pivot then. To the military. So I figured I could do, you know, four years in the Air Force standing on my on my head with no problem. 4 turned into 20 but you know not realizing what you know. I mean, all of us. To realize the problems have gotten in the plan and looking if you look back you know I would never planned the path I took to get to where I'm at. But you know, we have to trust that you know the doors that open or opening for a reason so. I figured I was going to four years time ahead. I found myself, you know, a little remote island out in the Pacific met the my best friend and partner for life. Sterile Unglaub we've been together for 30. Not come up in 40 years, dating at 39 years of marriage, which is led to an incredible family. So as I said, the four turn in the 20 and then post post retirement, I got into back into what I was doing. In active duty, spend some time you know working as you know as an employee, but then had the opportunity through a lot of mentorship to pivot into entrepreneurial ship. And that's how you know that that constant prodding by a good friend got me to, you know, actually decided OK, it's time to step out on my own and figure out how to do this so, you know, we had started to put together a good foundation. You know, with some government contracts that were pretty. They are never safe and secure, but they pretty much our foundation and we had a growing list of private clients so as. We entered into 2020. We had a living. We work with John and my other son Justin and. You know, my wife, Cindy came on full time. We brought in another lady part time to help with you know some. Some areas we want to focus on and a lot of energy in the office and tell the pandemic hit and when the pandemic hit everything that we thought we had in the pipeline that was about to you. That is fruit. Air dried up. I mean, that was a dead fig tree right there, so we were staring and so we at that point. I've listened to law stories from John and Justin from that they picked up along the way. Past employers is like OK, we need to pivot. We need to figure out what we need to invest in. We need to kind of posture ourselves for the post pandemic phase, hopefully coming out of that, you know, anymore? I don't. The position to run and not just start walking or crawl. Walk again so. We we focused our energies in some markets. We knew they were pregnant, emerged, spend a lot of time getting training, certification with preparing for the post pandemic phase and you know that I think was you know, just listen to my sons. You know what they had picked up and previous from previous employers was really beneficial because even though we're not making the same investment as a small business of some of these other corporations make, we made an investment in areas that we thought would help produce. For us I help with last grow as we come out of this. Yeah, I love what you said that. The way that you were able to pivot is that you gleaned from your sons. How amazing is the exchange between a son and his father that while growing up, the son's look to the father. But as we grow up and we merged in our relationship as the Sun gets older, the father can start to glean from the sun. Let let's have a conversation around that'cause we have our fathers here and we want to have a conversation about, you know. My dad wanted to talk about in his questionnaire like I said, but how is is being a father a job when I just heard from you was something that was very enlightening. Mr LeBron about how you can glean from a generation that may not even be from your generation. Oftentimes we millennials get such a bad rap. You know, we're not good listeners. We don't really care what we were, wild and free, but you were here talking about how you were able to. Steer your company going forward because you were able to glean from your sons, which means that you don't have so much pride within yourself that I'm the father. I know everything you know, I know what I'm doing. I got this under control, but you were able to listen and you're here to submit yourself to your son. And so I want to talk about the the role of the father and what that means to you all, especially as me being getting ready to be a father here coming up in October of a new baby boy. You mentioned about doors when you were talking Mr. Brown. Also there that Father Hood is another door that you have to go through that you may not know necessarily what's behind the door, while the obstacles. All of the things that there's no playbook for it. There's no manual, there's no script for it. How do you all handle when you became father? What was it like for you all walking through that door? Whichever what was the goal y'all jump into anytime. Doctor Lee well I became a father at a young age, so my first son was born when I was 19 and I was had a job. I was in college and I really wasn't ready for it. It was something that happened and I had to, you know, pivot from being young man to becoming a father. Seem like overnight, but I I grew in that through mistakes because I was fresh out of the pot even though I have ten siblings and I mixed my twin and I are next to the odious. You know I didn't want any children just because we had to. You know, deal with the other ones. But when I became a father when my oldest son Peter came out, I looked and I was like man, it's time for me to grow up right now. You know he didn't hit me until he was right there in my hands and I looked down. I said this is a part of me when I'm gonna get him I'm gonna do you know so I don't make my mind to expedite things for him. So. It was something different. Now I have three sons and a daughter, and my wife and I and we have become parents. Two children who are now adults. And my oldest son, he just transition from being a corrections officer to a special police officer in the schools and he still calls me and, you know, he says pops. You know, what should I do about this? I said son, what do you want to do about it as being a parent? I want to hear from my my my children. I don't want to always direct them. I want them to direct themselves. I feel it as a father when your children. I can see it and it went to word derail a little bit. You want to see if they can get back on the track, and so without me being there, pushing them always told my children because I have a bald head. My name is not Mr Clean. If you make it. Pick it up. You know, and I think the idea is, it's nothing, nothing major. We made it through everything, you know. It's a laugh about that. Then I never laughed in their face always laughing out, that's it. That's where did that come from. But he was teaching him that life is what you make it, and I always told him life is only one word. That one word is choice an would you choose to do? You gotta know that there's consequences behind the choice that you make, so I will ask my son, you know, he's all this techie stuff. Now you know and my own or whatever. And I seek advice from him. I'm not so high that I can't ask him because a lot of this stuff I don't know, even though I use computer every day. How do yourself this is first time I was going polycast underwear. Podcast was until John in Lafayette which I'm gonna podcast where you're talking about, you know, doing my part. I was talking about. I'm 55 years old and I'm like I was talking about but we can learn from one another is not so much that I can't be taught by somebody who's younger than me. Or saying this is my way of the highway. That's about being a father. You have to listen with both ears. Hear the father in the year of the child so. That's what I got. That's good, look good. That is really good. And of course you always have those special things that you have father about the Mr Clean. That's one of your famous sayings as you said. Mr Brian myself giving my dad sayings to my kids now and I'm like Oh no, it just came out. Always like work smarter, not harder son like Oh my I specifically remember at the time first time my dad told me that raking leaves so. Always the first time I remember hearing it. Mr. Brian talk to us about the door, what that door was for you as a as a father of two sons. But what did that look like? What did that entail? 23 I was 23, when when John was born, actually we, since we share the same birthday, it was exactly 23. So you know some of the things you you know you're not given a manual. You're not, you know. You try to think about can we supposed to? Do you know? Luckily for me, I had, you know, the best. Person to help with this and that was my wife. Let me she she. She's a very strong. Proverbs 31 woman yeah she helped the olaya. Good foundation and the home. I look back, you know you know what I had for grandfathers and thought my father and and try to leverage. What I could? But you know, you know you sitting there, you know hundreds of miles away. You're kind of. You know that I'm sure it's just the two of us trying to figure out. OK, what do we do with? You know what we have here now? This you know infant? And how do we? How do we move through this? And there were some challenges, you know? I mean, John, you know at the six weeks old we found ourselves in the emergency room'cause he had a collapsed lung and they won't Dublin ammonia, you know. I mean you you go through this and it's like wow and even Justin. You know where after he was born he was probably 8 weeks he. Phone off to have surgery.'cause he had a cyst on his spine. He also you know at a young age were sitting there trying to figure out. OK, how do we deal with these issues? Luckily, you know we had a bigger family that was the military, but still, you know, you know you're not equipped and you have to learn to deal with these. You know each is the time you know going on through life. I mean, I've had a lot of people. As the kids were growing up their global, your boys are so good. What are you? What do you like doing? It's like you know I can't answer that one because I don't. I could not specifically point to any one thing. They're great kids. They never let us down. I don't know if it was something that we were feeding him or something that was in the city water, but you know they they definitely, you know we were her always. Felt good, bless that you know. With our sons, the way they always young people would would react to him. Don't ask me what the secret is. I could not. I couldn't tell you today, I'm just hoping that whatever I was doing on a daily basis was the right thing. Giving them to, you know, at least the right demonstration in Honolulu. And hopefully, you know that's going to pass on to generations down to you know, both both sons and families. Yeah, absolutely. There's that legacy piece, again, John, I'll let you jump in here bro and you get some questions there, man. Yeah, so OK on that. See, you said you mentioned in both y'all can answer but Dad you had mentioned. But how did you word it? That you don't have. What is it when people asked? What is it that you did your you done or you're doing to see your kids behave so well? I used to just say that they threatened our life, so when we were in public we were excellent.'cause otherwise Mom was coming around the corner. An Yikes so. She around there anywhere. I'm just teasing, but. But as I have two two kids obviously, and there's always as I sort of navigate this same thing that you've already done, you're always focused on. I am I doing this right? Or am I doing that right? Or you have certain things that you probably focus on more than others? Kind of like how I see I we joke about on the show sometimes about the dad who wants to send his kids to the Olympics when they're like 5 years old and he's forcing them to be like like Dad played football and my kids going to play football and he's going to be a star, you know. And you realize next, you know his son is not going to be more than 5 foot seven and there's a small chance he's going to do anything in football kind of thing. I was a soccer guy. I put my son in soccer four or five times and I was just like he's done. He don't like it, we're done. We're moving on, right? My dad was always amazing and I never felt pressured to be something that he wanted me to be right. I never felt like a screw up or anything I hear so many people say they just want to press their debt. I've always want to press mine as well, but I never felt like I had to do it on his terms. But did you ever? Have anything that you were always worried about or you or you always focused on you? Thought I gotta make sure they do this or make sure to do that or grades are here or whatever. Only to realize once they became adults. All that focus on that one thing or that certain direction didn't really matter. Good question. So I know to be honest there was nothing specific I was more concerned about you. Being well rounded, you and your brother yeah trying different things, having the opportunity to do the things you enjoy. You know? Trying to at least press the pod knew the importance of at least, you know. I don't say good grades was a necessity, I I think just obviously. For me. But but but no one that you know. You you needed to. Where you work at it, try your best. We we're not going. We're not going to say that you know your best was never good enough because we know I know that you know from experience. Everybody's different. Their gifts are in different areas. So just because I may be strong and in one area doesn't mean that you or your brother gonna be strong in the same areas. So why should I be trying to influence you down my path? Because my path has been ever winding. It is. It is not been a straight path from for war start to where I'm at today. So you want to look at, you know, trying to raise you guys. It was like, you know, just. Give you the opportunity to let you pick the path and not even in college. You pick multiple. You started out one path and you had a. You had several pivots. You know then college and I admired you. You know, for sticking it out and then completing it, you know 'cause. It's not easy and not at an 18. You don't know whether you. Want to press your life? I mean, I, you know it took me until I was what? 53 and figure out was going to do so. You know, it's you know. There's one thing 11 plan does not work for everybody, so that's you know I always looked at you, but the individual be the individual. Or there's some some things I wish I would have done differently. Looking back hindsight's always 2020. Yeah, there's things I think I would've wish we would have. Did less of and we did some things we would did more of his family. But you know, having been through it now, I realize that at the time I thought I was doing the right thing. You know, for you and your brother and you know, and the best we can do is what we're given within what we think is the path we should be taken. But couldn't you take the same moment as teaching moments? So for example, just about you know I'm talking about two weeks ago I was at a I was, I coached my daughter Lily soccer team and my dad was talking to my wife on the side about should she take a certain step in soccer. Now she's only 7. She's really young. She has skills, but we don't need. I don't know something she wants to do for a long time. I have no clue and my dad had talked to my wife saying, you know? One regret I had as a child, as when John was a child was all we did year around. Was play soccer like it's all I did from like 8 to 18. Literally year around was about right Dad. I mean when I was eight I was terrible. Like I said he didn't have expectations of me good'cause I was a terrible athlete. I was the smallest weakest kid on the field. Literally weaker than all the girls. I was terrible but overtime I got better and better and made some better teams and so forth. And then we would do tournaments in the summer we did all of it. Right and then you had mentioned something to her and she brought that to me. Is only reason I know this is you had mentioned. Yes, these are things are great playing on bigger teams, but one thing if I had to do it all over is I would have done a few less tournaments and a couple more camping trips or a couple more family vacations. Is that right? That is exactly what I told her neck. That's probably my. Looking back, one of my biggest regrets is yeah, we. We spent so much time focusing without you joy, but we didn't spend time doing those family things that we also knew you enjoyed and spending more time. You know with a bigger family like a soccer team. Then I wouldn't lead to your those those memories that we could have built as a family going camping, fishing, you know, doing things along those order, you know. So yes, I when she brought up that hey, what about you know getting really involved in this is like yeah she's a little young you know you really think about it. It's you know you know, is that really the path you want? Taker? I know your wife while playing soccer and she has, you know she still has no aspirations for Lily. Play and I do too, but I think. At her age. Right now it's it's playing soccer during season. And then doing family things doing other things like riding horses.'cause I know she loves riding horse now. Yes, unfortunately it's very expensive. Yo. I got bad Internet. Saga, but anyways my point was is like so you. You said that you would have done things differently, but the cool thing is it's not like we were negatively affected, but your experience can just enhance how I can do things with my kids almost like round two you know I mean. So yeah, I mean. I know the conversation was, you know, in the passes with me and your mother, you know talking about things, we know how we would have done it differently things, and we're focused on. But you know, yes. When your wife Scribd brought it up, I was like OK and I think it's time for me at least. Help her understand what my thoughts would be having been down that path once before. So yeah, it's maybe you're right. I took the opportunity to kind of pass on some some elderly wisdom. Yeah. Do you have anymore questions though? Sure, Mr. Lane, thank you. You're right and you guys can both answer again if you want, but. Yeah, I got opportunity to ride with you in a car. Ben hour or so drive on the way home when we moved Lafayette away from us and. But I told him I, I told Lafayette that being around you for that hour was stretching for me, right? And just the example you were just around and so obviously is my deadhead. Had mentioned he doesn't know there was one specific thing that he did, but my hunch is that the biggest thing that you all have done was being a right example. More than giving all the right pointers is just being the right example. Could you talk to that an also, did you have to be? Did you find that you maybe you didn't have to be the perfect example, just the right example? Yeah, I always told my children, specially Lafayette. He was probably the most quiet child. Of all of my children. Please tell him this be who you are. I give you a case in point. It was Christmas when he was playing about four or five years old. The only thing he had to say was Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years and I will record it. But I was had a camera right there in front of the Cam quarter at church and before he could get it out, you know, Merry Christmas. He starts crying. I'm like why is he crying, you know? And his mother said, I'm intimidating him. I'm his father. You know how? My intimidating my own son and I never could understand that. So what I did. I finally backed away and just let him be who he was and I learned to appreciate his quietness and to hear lately he's only quiet until he has a mic in his hand. Activated inside of him or what but he can go and I'm the big example to him. Was at least let him be. What he wanted to be, I try not to tell him'cause I'm outspoken person and the reason being is because when I was born I couldn't speak that well. I had a student problem and had to go to speech etc. And I was made fun of. So when I started to speak people were laughing. My students, you know, not students. My classmate would laugh at me. So I got to a point where when he was in school we had a reading circle read on the floor and Miss June Johnson was my third grade teacher and she said Peters time period. I said I'm not going to read because everybody's gonna laugh at me. She said I gotta call you mother. So she called my mom my mom came to the school and she sat there and when my mom was there you would thought you know I had no problem at all just because of the example she said showing me that I can be who I was and not be afraid and I didn't. I realize that once that happened to Lafayette I'm like I'm his father. I never want him to be fearful of me and I told them the example. Every Monday night we would have round table discussion. I told him. We come to the dinner table. Wells had dinner together, went on this separation stuff. It was always at the table but Monday night. We allowed them to have opportunity to express anything that was going on with them being a disciplinary dating, understand why they got disciplined or punished or whatever it was. Girlfriend, boyfriends, drugs, alcohol. It didn't matter what it was, we gave them opportunity to be who they were and ask questions without being intimidated by their parents. You know again, he didn't see that much. Kayla was different. She she just talked all the time but. I wanted him to know that I'm not going. I'm not here to judge you. I don't want you to be me always said I want you to be better than me and that is the time. You know so low that you know this any other, but I wanted him to know that you put your own footprints in the sand. Yes, example left for him and all my sons the same thing. You can ask him the same thing and they will tell you the same thing. I wanted them to be who they wanted to be. I seen so many parents. Live their life through their children and it became a disappointment. I didn't want. My children to be. I didn't want to disappoint my chairs and didn't matter what they were going to be, whether they're gonna be trash, mentor, doctor, they're going to be my children. I'm going to support them. I don't support wrong, but I support them as my children. Even now, they're all my babies. He don't like me to call my baby boy, he tells his mother that he's not the babies. You know, they said another. But he, who as he's always gonna be our baby boy, you know, because he's the youngest, but we treat him as a grown man. He's about to be a father himself, and I'm hoping that something that he learned from me as a father. And he can put into his son in that legacy will continue on from generation to generation'cause I want to always be here. But I will always be here in his heart from things that he's been taught to deposit, depositing him. I'm not looking to take withdraws from him as my son. I as a father, you want to deposit into your sons, so therefore, that you call a legacy they will carry on to his family, because one generation after one generation. Leads to another generation an whatever you've been taught. Good, bad, ugly, indifferent. That's going to continue in your generation and I and I pray that something I said or done. Possibly that will be implemented in his son. Great. Now you talked about you, you ended that legacy and then we bout to wrap up. But I want to ask you one more question. What is the exact legacy that you want to leave your sons and for you father your daughter as well? What's the legacy that you want to leave your children that when you all off the scene it is said Doctor Peter Lanes legacy walls John LeBron, Junior's legacy walls? What do you want to be said about you when you're when it's all said and done? What do you want your legacy to be? I guess you go Mr. Brown let you go this time. Why is thank you? You know the Lafayette? That's that's that's a hard question. I mean, you know, thinking about this, you know? Oh wow, it's really, you know I'm gone. I want everybody. It's more. The legacy of character integrity family. Having a. Left them a path forward where they can continue to build their futures and not rely upon somebody else to dictate what their future is. John is had a great educational partnership over the years and that one of the things that I think we both realize is that. Being in control of your destiny is more important than. Allowing somebody else to control than dictate, you know when you need to show up between what you're gonna be doing expert. And so I think for me leaving that is probably one of the. The biggest, the biggest accomplishment and hopefully a long living legacy'cause I know now we have John does the third. Andrew, who goes by Andrew, is John the 4th and you know. So there's another generation of John Lebrun's out there that will be coming after. After me, after I'm gone after Johns, you'll hopefully he'll guided him down the same paths and you know and put him in a position to. Do the things he wants to. Hopefully he follows in a suit and he'll have someday. He sit in. You know the seat that you know I leave, or or he's sitting in the seat that you know the direction he pursues. And same for Lillie and all the other grandchildren that they. That they know that they can pick their path and we're gonna be proud of them no matter what they do. Excellent. Doctor Ling yeah I would just like to say that you know leaving a legacy is like land of foundation. That's what I look at my children that hopefully that left a foundation that they can build up on because a strong foundation tells you this no matter how the wind blows. You might be in, but you won't break because when I was built up on was built along with my father and mother and other people have taught me that's the legacy I want to leave a strong foundation that no matter what they end up doing with their life, that whatever comes into their life it won't break him. You might be might be in a little bit, but it can hold on to what this been deposit into them as a father who latest foundation that you can be anything you want to be in. The only person stops you is you. It's not the color of your skin. Your next door neighbor, your friends, or your family, it's you. That's something I've always told my children. The only thing or anybody who stops with you. And yes, we run through things in life, are running against things, but if you build up on that strong foundation, no matter what happens, you will be fine. Whatever you build up on, your children are available on their children build up on and it's a generational legacy that is built milanes aspect. Absolutely, and I think. That you two need to be applauded. That you know we celebrate and we honor you as our fathers, and I'm sure I'm not saying anything here that I have not said behind closed doors and active. So I cannot say the same thing for John that your foundation your legacy is secure. That is not a testament of trying to puff up myself or John, but you 2 have done an amazing job. You've been an amazing model as John said, not just in your words, but in your actions as a template that we can follow. We may not be just like you, but we can take pieces from you. Combine it with who we are and be who we are today. Pass it on to the next generation so that we say thank you. Thank you for coming on. What an amazing, amazing conversation. This was definitely will be one of my favorite episodes. That we've done. We want our audience that will watch and listen to this. As you can tell, these gentlemen are full. They are. They are wealth of knowledge and wisdom. Years of experience of trial and error, but of forging and moving forward, pivoting through ups and downs and not allowing the winds of life to keep them down. But to build them up upon that foundation as Doctor Lane just talked about, we want you to connect with both of these gentlemen. You connect with Doctor Peter Lane on his social media there on Facebook. He's under Peter Lane. You'll see him there also. His Instagram handles lane 1394 or LANE 1394 also follow. Connect with John LeBron junior on social media on LinkedIn. There he's under John LeBron as he talked about. He does have a consulting business if you're interested in that you need services. You can contact him there. You can reach out to John LMS consulting services if you're in need of chaplaincy, you could reach out to Doctor Lang. Both of them are successful in their own right in the secular and in the spiritual Ministry arenas. They both are accredited. Have went to school, and they know what they're talking about, and so we thank God for both of them. And as always, we thank you for unscripted audience. Those again support us there. On our YouTube channel you can see our do our new cover work or markets cover art. You could connect with us on our Instagram or Facebook. You can sign up for our merch on our website or our streaming platforms there on our various social media pages. Will be glad for it. We always say here. We pray that you be the leader that God has called you to be. As always, we're here to build bridges and not walls, bridges connect and walls divide until next time.

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